Tayside and Lochee Open Show

Tayside and Lochee Open show was held at Errol on Saturday 10th August 2019, the Irish Wolfhound Club of Scotland sponsor the classes to ensure we get 2 classes, and the judge for the hound breeds was Heather Mackenzie.

Although I went along and all three of my own dogs were entered, I didn’t take any of them along – mostly because I am lazy and enjoy going to the dog shows just to socialise, it’s not so easy to do that if I have to look after my dogs, lol!

Donna Hanlon’s boy, Gibbs (Ranfurley Prince) stood alone and was awarded first place in the post graduate class.

Gibbs standing
Gibbs standing
Gibbs on the run
Gibbs on the run
Gibbs head shot
Gorgeous Gibbs
Gibbs dreamy head shot
Gibbs relaxing ringside

Next up was the Open class, where Brian O’Neill’s Echo (Hydebeck Echo of a Ruler in Ballyvonair) was up against Steven Ritchie’s Thor (Broughadowey Raiden at Torffionn)

Echo with Brian
Echo with Brian and Steven with Thor
Echo in the ring
Echo in the ring
Thor being scrutinised by judge, Heather Mackenzie
Thor being scrutinised by judge, Heather Mackenzie

On the day Thor won first place and Echo was placed second. So then Gibbs was called back into the ring to challenge for Best of Breed, which Thor won. After a considerable wait Thor then represented Wolfhounds in a large and good quality hound group.

Echo relaxing ringside
Echo relaxing ringside
Thor close up
Thor close up
Thor standing in the group
Thor standing in the group
Thor showing the lovely free and easy action which is typical for the breed
Thor showing the lovely free and easy action which is typical for the breed

Thor didn’t get placed in the group, but since he got Reserve Best in Show at the large Turriff Open show the week before I don’t suppose Steven can complain too much, lol!

I really enjoyed being ringside and taking the photos – especially as Steven trusted me with his giant fancy camera – it certainly makes the job a lot easier!

To finish here’s a photo of me holding on to Thor ringside so that Steven could take photos of the other breeds, he might be a commanding show dog in the ring but he’s just a big softie really, all he wanted to do was get back to his dad!

Maura and Thor
Maura and Thor

Congratulations to all, and thanks for supporting the classes.