Hound Association of Scotland Open show

What glorious sunshine we had today!

A lovely day was had by all I think at Hound Association of Scotland Open show. The Irish Wolfhound Club of Scotland had sponsored the classes, and suggested Mandy Addington, affix Wolvebrigg, as the judge.

Mandy made the long trek up from Essex to judge four classes of wolfhounds with an entry of 12. Three wolfhounds were sadly absent, but Mandy had some lovely hounds to go over. She found her Best of Breed in Steven Ritchie’s Thor, Broughadowey Raiden at Torrfionn. Best Puppy in breed was Alison Wiseman’s Dolly, Hazianne Partial Eclipse. Congratulations to IWCoS club members Steven and Alison 🙂

Best of Breed, Broughadowey Raiden at Torrfionn, with judge Mandy Addington and Best Puppy in Breed Hazianne Partial Eclipse
Best of Breed, Broughadowey Raiden at Torrfionn, with judge Mandy Addington and Best Puppy in Breed Hazianne Partial Eclipse

After judging was complete and everyone could relax (well, nearly everyone) we headed outside to put up chairs and roll out dog beds for a picnic in the sunshine (in Scotland, in October!!) while we waited to cheer Thor and Dolly on in BIS and BPIS.

Enjoying a picnic in the sun at HAS 2018
Enjoying a picnic in the sun at HAS 2018

European Dog Show Poland 2018

The European Dog Show is being held in Poland just now alongside the 80th Anniversary show of the Polish Kennel Club.

Sighthound (Group 10 under the FCI system) day was yesterday and you can find the full Irish Wolfhound results here.

Best of Breed from  38 entries at the EDS was Glor Na Gael Dyfan, bred in Hungary by Czilla and Timor Juhasz.

At the Polish KC show on Thursday Best of Breed Irish Wolfhound was given to Sapwoods After All from 7 entries. Full results here.

Congratulations to all who attended.

The latest Irish Wolfhound Health Group Newsletter is here

The Irish Wolfhound Health Group  published their latest Newsletter last month. It’s full of information about the breed we love, the Irish Wolfhound.



You can sign up on their website to receive the Newsletter directly into your email inbox each time it’s published.

Also, check out the website – whether you are an experienced owner with many years under your belt or never owned a wolfhound and just doing your research because you’re interested in getting a puppy, there is plenty of information there for you.

Identifying Lameness in your Hound

Here is a YouTube video about identifying lameness in your hound. Not specifically about Irish Wolfhounds but interesting and useful all the same.

Introduction to Canine Lameness by Chester Gates Animal Referral Hospital

Chester Gates Animal Referral Hospital is a specialist veterinary centre in the North West of England

Ben Walton is a Veterinary Orthopaedic Surgeon with special interests in complex lameness investigations and fracture management.

This presentation introduces the viewer to the fundamentals of assessing lameness in dogs. It is suitable for veterinary students, animal physiotherapy students, veterinary nurses, and dog owners and handlers. Vets and animal-physiotherapists might also find it useful as a refresher!

Clipping your Hounds Nails

This is a useful graphic showing how to cut your wolfhounds nails.

My three all hate having their nails cut, but I’m reliably informed that if you smear a chopping board or similar with peanut butter (make sure there’s no xylitol in it) then the dog will be so busy licking the tasty chopping board that they won’t even notice that you are cutting their nails.

Perhaps I’ll try it and get it on video, and post that here. 🙂

How to safely trim your hounds nails

Florrie’s Famous Fan!

I was a very proud mum at the Gaitherin’ this year when our celebrity judge Fish (you know, from Marillion… Kayleigh, remember?) and his beautiful wife Simone chose Florrie from a very large class of lovely dogs as their winner of “Dog the Judge most wants to take home”

Dog the Judge would most like to take home


Please participate…
The Kennel Club is developing Breed Health and Conservation Plans (BHCPs) for all registered dog breeds to ensure that health concerns are identified through evidence-based criteria. This will ensure breeders have useful information and resources to support them in making balanced breeding decisions in the future.
Irish Wolfhounds are in the next round of breeds identified by the KC for this project so we are inviting ALL OWNERS to complete this simple survey, to provide the KC with an up to date and accurate snapshot of the breed’s current health status.
The survey is anonymous and your answers, along with other sources of scientific evidence, will provide important data for our BHCP.
Please go to this link to enter your dog’s information:
IW Breed Health Survey 2018
For Breeders, please complete the Breed Health Survey, but in addition, please also complete this additional survey specifically about your breeding experiences over the last 10 years:
IW Breeders Experience Survey 2018

It’s Nearly Time for the Gaitherin’!

It’s nearly time for our annual Gaitherin’ and we hope you can join us!!

Come along to Cochrane Hall at Alva on 15th July for a fun-filled day, with friends old and new, enjoy a fabulous lunch and maybe win a prize or two!

A Gaitherin' of Wolfhounds 2017
A Gaitherin’ of Wolfhounds 2017


IWCoS Walk on Scolty Hill

A few members and friends gathered on 23rd June for our regular walk at Scolty Hill in Aberdeenshire. We started early to avoid the heat of the day and also the crowds as it’s a very popular venue.

There were 12 wolfhounds in the group, all wonderfully behaved and super ambassadors for the breed. Hope to see you all at the next one.

Wolfhounds at Scolty Hill
It’s not easy to get everyone looking at the camera!